Cold War

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KHRUSHCHEV'S COLD WAR: The Inside Story of an American Adversary A. Fursenko & T. Naftali Paperbound 7850468 $5.95
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CHASING THE DEMON: A Secret History of the Quest for the Sound Barrier, and the Band of American Aces Who Conquered It Dan Hampton Hardbound 7906986 $7.95
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THE 54TH FIGHTER-INTERCEPTOR SQUADRON George A. Larson Hardbound 7996292 $9.95
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ALONG FOR THE RIDE: Navigating Through the Cold War, Vietnam, Laos & More Henry Zeybel Hardbound 7763891 $5.95
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GAMBLING WITH ARMAGEDDON: Nuclear Roulette from Hiroshima to the Cuban Missile Crisis Martin J. Sherwin Hardbound 7857810 $7.95
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THE ABYSS: Nuclear Crisis Cuba 1962 Max Hastings Paperbound 7946295 $17.95
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THE SPY IN MOSCOW STATION: A Counterspy's Hunt for a Deadly Cold War Threat Eric Haseltine Hardbound 380786X $5.95
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ENGAGING THE EVIL EMPIRE: Washington, Moscow, and the Beginning of the End of the Cold War Simon Miles Hardbound 1176935 $29.95
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A TIME OF FEAR: America in the Era of Red Scares and Cold War Albert Marrin Hardbound 7813015 Price cut to $5.95
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